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    No subprojects. No sessions. Choosing C++ from the Parse Contect drop down does nothing.

    From what I can tell the reason that this is badly broken is that the GUI only lets you choose between C and C++ to resolve "parse contexts". Looking at the source "ProjectPart" has the following fields, and it is totally opaque from the GUI as to why a file has more than one of these ProjectParts

    ProjectExplorer::Project *project = nullptr;

    QString displayName; QString projectFile; int projectFileLine = -1; int projectFileColumn = -1; QString callGroupId; // Versions, features and extensions ::Utils::Language language = ::Utils::Language::Cxx; ::Utils::LanguageVersion languageVersion = ::Utils::LanguageVersion::LatestCxx; ::Utils::LanguageExtensions languageExtensions = ::Utils::LanguageExtension::None; CPlusPlus::LanguageFeatures languageFeatures; ::Utils::QtVersion qtVersion = ::Utils::QtVersion::Unknown; // Files ProjectFiles files; QStringList includedFiles; QStringList precompiledHeaders; ProjectExplorer::HeaderPaths headerPaths; QString projectConfigFile; // Generic Project Manager only // Macros ProjectExplorer::Macros projectMacros; ProjectExplorer::Macros toolChainMacros; // Build system QString buildSystemTarget; ProjectExplorer::BuildTargetType buildTargetType = ProjectExplorer::BuildTargetType::Unknown; bool selectedForBuilding = true; // ToolChain Utils::Id toolchainType; bool isMsvc2015Toolchain = false; QString toolChainTargetTriple; ToolChainWordWidth toolChainWordWidth = WordWidth32Bit; ::Utils::FilePath toolChainInstallDir; ::Utils::WarningFlags warningFlags = ::Utils::WarningFlags::Default; // Misc QStringList extraCodeModelFlags; QStringList compilerFlags;